The authors define, as real masters, the meaning of the first coming of Spiritistism in the current stage of our evolution on Earth, categorized by the Superior Spirits as a transitional period. In the Gospel of Matthew (Mt.13, 24-30), we find the parable of the Wheat and Weeds, which symbolizes the good seed planted by the humans in the fertile soil of their existence, under the auspices of the higher spirituality. The text below reproduces this process; the full text can be found in The Spirit´s Book (Introduction), 100 years anniversary edition – 1957 (Lake Ed.).
With this book, on April 18, 1857, Spiritism becomes known all over the world. The promise of the Comforter, the Paraclete or The Spirit of Truth was carried out. To say this is the same as declaring that The Spirit´s Book is the code of a new phase of the human evolution. And this is exactly its position in the history of philosophy. This is not an ordinary book, which can be read from one day to another and then forgotten anywhere.
Our duty is to read it and meditate about it, it must be studied and again, constantly. A whole building lifts up on this book: the Spiritist Doctrine. It is the cornerstone of Spiritualism, its starting point. Spiritism emerged with it and it was propagated and consolidated around the world. Before this book there was not Spiritism, and this word did not even exist. People used to talk about spiritualism and neo-spiritualism in a general, vague and nebulous way.
The Spiritist facts, that have always existed, were interpreted in many different ways. But after Allan Kardec had published it, “containing the principles of the Spiritist Doctrine”, a new light has shone in the mental horizons of the world.
There is a historical sequence that we cannot forget when we take this book in our hands. When the world was preparing to leave the chaos of early civilizations, Moses appeared as the leader of a population destined to trace the lines of a new world: and from his hands the Bible emerged. It was not Moses who wrote it, but he was the central theme of this first new circle of revelations: the Christian one. Later, when the biblical influence had already molded the culture of that people, and when those people were scattered throughout the Gentile world, and spreading the new law, Jesus appeared and from his words, the Gospel arose, written by his disciples. The Bible is the Code of the first Christian revelation, the Hebrew code that was merged into the sacred principles and the religious legends of an ancient people. The greatest synthesis of the ancient efforts towards the spirit. It is not surprising that it has been presented to the modern men in a frightened and contradictory way.