quarta-feira, 23 de janeiro de 2013

Psychological, Physiological and Spiritual Dreams

The cause of dreams and their meaning have always been a source of great curiosity and concern. In The Mediums’ Book, Allan Kardec emphasizes that the Science of his time never explained the origins of such phenomena. The current explanations, still incomplete, which consider only the psychophysiological reasons – illness, psychological disorders, professional and economical life conditions, influences relating to modern life habits, such as the use of licit and illicit drugs, sexuality as a disposable product, anxieties and stress generated by this whole process, plus the political and worldwide conditions that bring us expectations about the future – actually generate symptoms, the most diverse, reflecting in the quality of sleep.

However, what Science insists on ignoring are the spiritual reasons – compelling experiences related to past lifetimes that interfere with relationships and behaviour of the actual experience, the influences of the minds and feelings of discarnate spirits on individuals, whether or not they are directly related to their past actions, besides intimate conflicts relating to one’s own genetic inheritance.

With The Book of Spirits, questions 400 to 412, we conclude: we are heirs of ourselves, in other words, our history repeats itself because we insist on playing the same charac-ters. The current time is for reflection and changes in the way of acting and thinking and, without fear, to develop values and virtues. This is the way.

Sonia Theodoro da Silva
Translation SPS

(Published in nov/dec 2012: The Journal of Psychological Studies - Science, Philosophy and Religion;Journal Psychologischer Studien - Wissenschaft, Philosophie und Religion; Periódico de Estudios Psicológicos - Ciencia, Filosofía y Religión; Giornale di Studi Psicologici - Scienza, Filosofia e Religione; Journal d´études psychologiques - Science, philosophie et religion).


Extrasensory Faculty

History records the actions of those who dared to transgress existing systems, whether it was of a political, religious or academic nature. Carl Gustav Jung was one of those divine transgressors; for him, life was not restricted to the period from the cradle to the grave, “the human, rational being, was endowed with extrasensory faculties that allowed one to exceed the ordinary limits of space and time, uncovering the distant past and having premonitions of the future”. (Bulletin SEI, No. 1963/2005).

The extrasensory faculties were present in the Greek and Babylonian oracles (the most famous of all was the oracle of Apollo, in Delphi), in the Jewish world with the college of mediums chaired by Moses, and before, in Egypt, where the leader of the He-brew nation learned, with the wise and initiated of his time, to prophesy, and other extrasensory modalities which were combined to his effective mediumship. More recently, Emmanuel Swedenborg, Swedish clairvoyant, was investigated and studied by the eminent philosopher Immanuel Kant, impressed by the accuracy of the information about a fire seen by him at a distance, in a nearby town.

Although the traditional philosophy, nowadays, has little interest in the paranormal, it is reserved for Science, to prove what Spiritism has judiciously studied, through Allan Kardec and supported by facts, the greatest discovery of all times: the human Spirit survives death. Such evidence certainly entails serious consequences to the nihilistic materialism.

Sonia Theodoro da Silva
Translation SPS

(Published in sept/oct 2012: The Journal of Psychological Studies - Science, Philosophy and Religion;Journal Psychologischer Studien - Wissenschaft, Philosophie und Religion; Periódico de Estudios Psicológicos - Ciencia, Filosofía y Religión; Giornale di Studi Psicologici - Scienza, Filosofia e Religione; Journal d´études psychologiques - Science, philosophie et religion).