quarta-feira, 1 de janeiro de 2014

The Beyond and the Survival of the Being

The dynamics of our current existences transferred to religions the questions about the nature of the Being, its origin, its destination and the reason for the dichotomy between the spiritual being and the public or real life being. If technology has brought us closer to each other, via smart phones, computers etc.., if the internet connects us with the world in real time, although this is a monitored and conditioned world, there has never been greater ignorance about the issues surrounding death and the possibility of the continuity of life in other dimensions.
In first world countries, where universities develop the knowledge, it is rare to find academic chairs of study in the survival of the Spirit; the Spirit is treated pejo-ratively as "ghost" or as an evil being who terrorizes the living, causing them self-destructive and pathological pro-cesses, mainly by the films and the TV Series.

There is the pioneer case of Duke University in the United States, where the paranor-mal is serious business. In Brazil, there are pertaining studies of the near-death experiences by re-searchers from the Federal Univer-sity of Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais. Also in the U.S., Doctor Raymond Moody Jr. investigates the possible relationships between the "dead" and their living relatives. His work has demonstrated, from research about the oracles  in ancient Greece, where communications were constant and real, that intra-worlds contacts have always been part of our civilization.

Without a shadow of doubt that Spiritism, with its mystical and mythical stripping, brought us another scenario of life after death: we continue to exist and compose (composed here are all the files of our past experiences recorded in our unconscious), we continue to draw the course of our destinations and we continue to exercise free will increasingly more freely as we become directly re-sponsible for Life. And our greatest example that life continues after death still is, and will always be, Jesus, stripped of the mythology established around him which has been consumed for centuries be-cause of the mixed Greek hero with the Jewish prophet. And He who is back in all its fullness, to demonstrate that there is no death, it is a mere human inven-tion, a product of existential emp-tiness that inhabits this moral plane of existence, back through the Spiritist vision that is not religious in the ritulistic sense, liturgical and theological, but liberating, awareness waken-ing, revealing.

Léon Denis, the consolidator of Spiritism in France after the death of Allan Kardec, brings extremely current reflections on his extensive work of which we highlight the great little book bearing the title of our article, which features a list of evidence to confirm the opinion of anyone who wants to investigate the supposed afterlife. And to finish our thoughts in his words, leaving a question up in the air: would human relations change to a better state should we identify ourselves as immortal beings?

"Isn’t it a touching sight to see those that accompany a funeral? To those I would say: the beyond is just what our senses do not reach. "
Sonia Theodoro da Silva