quarta-feira, 28 de dezembro de 2011

The Dawn of Regeneration

Referring to the concept of Regeneration, amongst numerous definitions, we chose two, the first, as the restoration of what was destroyed. The second, that which is also in tune with the philosophical-spiritist aspect, which is figuratively the moral reform. Let us explain: concerning the first definition, to restore what was destroyed, we re-
fer to restoring the intellectual and conscientious values obstructed by an avalanche of new concepts and ways of life based on the existential-nihilist movements which are summarized in the following statement: live today because there is no tomorrow.
The Spiritist Philosophy, contained in The Spirit´s Book brings up, as a synthesis, the actual values indicated above, giving the human being the responsibility for one’s actions and revealing to oneself, based on science, that life is immortal, and that as heirs of time, we bring weights from the past that need revision today so that, freed, we can write a better future. The second concept, reviewed by the scope of the spiritist thought, leads us to the work of revision of our moral posture before the events that occur in our personal day-to-day lives and that calls us to make decisions, as well as in social events, as members that we are of the community of incarnated Spirits. The current time, as defined by Allan Kardec in “Genesis” is one of a battle of ideas: “Spiritism does not create social renewal: it is the hu-manity’s maturity that will make this renewal a necessity”.
What we are seeing in the world today, is exactly this process, which we conventionally label as “transition”; however, much more than conventions, the Human Being claims for the Divine Being, latent, and that by virtue of incisive external stimuli is projecting oneself to the full Life, like it was predicted by the Spirits to Kardec. Undoubtedly, the tragedies, the cataclysms, the socio-economic crises, the social unrest, do not come from nowhere. All of these appear at the right time for a revision of values, for the regeneration of our Spirits.
(Sonia Theodoro da Silva - published in The Journal of Psychological Studies,Year V l Issue N° 20)

Spiritual Perspective Of Citizenship

We are used to position the concept of citizenship only in the relations human State; it is the space of the social and political relations, where we elect the managers of public administration having as aim the public well being. Plato, in The Republic, structures his form of govern based in the vision that the philosopher would be the ideal leader, “the authentic government, which should not aim at its personal interests, but those of the ruled.”
Would the philosophers of nowadays be on this condition? Maybe. We know that the excellence of the professions fundamentally lies in the character of the practitioners of these professions, much more than only on their abilities. The training of the woman or man on the course of their duties concerns education and ethics and their moral implications. Ethics that sustains the pillars of citizenship based on the moral laws, without being dogmatized, politicized in the sense of the prevalence of power games in detriment of the basic needs of the individuals.
It seems to us that Spiritism touched the bottom of these issues, by encouraging the exercise of fraternal solidarity. Socrates idealizes a society where the beings would give up power for the common well being, however, we are far from this. The Superior Spirits of the spiritist Codification pointed us to the path of self knowledge and of self education. Allan Kardec integrates these teachings when he tells us about the Intellectual - Moral Aristocracy as the last phase of human growth, where we would direct our behavior based on Wisdom and Fraternity. Léon Denis welcomes this guidance and idealizes a socialist society, in the true sense of the term, without ideolo-gies, which have much afflicted the human beings, little or nothing doing for their ennoblement. Herculano Pires touches upon this issue, telling us about the spiritist cosmossociology, goal of the Spirit that transits between dimensions apparently opposed.
The question is not closed. Still a lot remain to us to do, to meditate, to become aware of, to teach, to be. Let us take the initiative.
(Sonia Theodoro da Silva - Published in The Journal of Psychological Studies - Year IV l Issue N° 19)

Communication with the dead

With the rise of Spiritism, codified by Allan Kardec, the most important moment of the planetary life was launched: the "dead" demystified death! Since then, they never ceased to communicate, revealing details of their immortal lives when incarnated and of life after death, without interruption; we would no longer grieve at the loss of loved ones, no longer would we fear to die because in fact to die would mean to return home. And, most importantly, they corroborated the most important event to Jesus' teachings - his own resurrection, explained in the most natural manner possible, based on the divine natural laws, giving evidence to His greatest lesson: life goes on in other dimensions. Not that this was unknown; see Ernesto Bozzano's research in Primitive People and Supernormal Manifestation, and The Spirit and the Time, by José Herculano Pires, based on John Murphy's The Origins and History of Religions, which we had the satisfaction to translate into English some years ago.
In Plato (Ion and Timaeus), we find the philosopher approaching the mediumship subject matter; in Greece, the prophetic mediumship flourished in the great Oracle at Delphi; the classical antiquity reminds us of times when communication between the living and the dead happened consistently and uninterrupted. The Old and New Testa-ment are books produced via the mediumship, in which the guiding Spirits of the communities listed therewith are present at all essential times. Mediumship is present at the transfiguration of Jesus on the Mount Tabor, when Elijah and Moses manifested themselves to the surprised eyes of Peter, John and James (Luke 9: 28).
With Spiritism, is Jesus of Nazareth who comes back to talk to us, demystified, full and grand in His mission to lead humanity to its fullness. It is the true religiosity that resurges to our hearts eager for peace, and to our reason as an avid faith - a faith that questions, that seeks, that finds, that reaches plenitude.
(Sonia Theodoro da Silva - Published in The Journal of Psychological Studies,Year IV l Issue N°17)