quinta-feira, 21 de janeiro de 2021
quinta-feira, 24 de setembro de 2020
The Spirit in Relation to Itself
The great thinker of antiquity, Pythagoras, rightly stated
that Earth was the home of opinion. If in his time there was this
acknowledgement, we can certainly say that today we are not far from this
definition. It seems that we are getting closer and closer to it, and gradually
distancing ourselves from the most important and suggestive process that has
ever happened among us, also brought by a wise man, and which showed that
development is
from within.
This sage, Socrates,
taught, or rather led his followers and listeners through the rough paths of
opinion until the recognition that human beings knew much of others, but knew
nothing of themselves.
The Socratic concept
and irony, applied in the development of the truest and deepest of all
knowledge, knowing oneself, directed thought and reasoning, in a natural way,
to another moment. Get to know yourself and then be sincere with what you
discover. Not knowing yourself shows that there is a crucial difference between
true self-awareness and the current superficial human existence.
We are in this process and that is where sometimes we deviate
from the path. People become accustomed to reducing their understanding of
things to the superficial perceptions of their own mind, because it is difficult
to break with the structures of references already created and for the Spirit
to make qualitative leaps into other dimensions of knowledge, transcending the
limits imposed by successive lives of structured thinking.
The moment of natural
transition that we go through, although painful, mobilizes our attention to focus
on the necessary inner cleansing. This is when we are faced with our most
serious issues, in all aspects considered. By rehabilitating ourselves with the
divine laws in our consciousness, we will reach higher levels where real
perception of ourselves will lead us to one day be with the Father. Just as promised
by Jesus, without disagreements, without fads or guesses. Then we will
understand that all this is part of just one moment and, as such, can never be
our true identity.
Sonia Theodoro da Silva
CEFE-Centro de Estudos Filosóficos Espíritas
SPSC - Spiritist Philosophy Studies Center
Pubisher: The Journal of Psychological Studies, London, England
Translator: Cintia C. dos Santos
quarta-feira, 25 de março de 2020
segunda-feira, 20 de agosto de 2018
Adversity and Failures
In the existential moment in which we live, we focus too much on the appearance of failure, be they professional, personal, and social. In accordance with the actualisation of the philosopher’s own words, found in the Spiritist Codification, for such a long time, we have been tied up to the sensible world, to everything that impresses our senses, to the detriment of the real world, the spirituality, the purest sentiments.
According to the dictionary definitions, adversity is an inopportune, inconvenient, unsuitable, inappropriate event. It is a destructive experience, a lack of luck, a misfortune, an unfortunate event. It gives us the opportunity, however, to analyse whether misfortune brings with it the necessity for reflection on the values credited to it. What were the reasons for it? Were they preventable? What were the objectives behind an event that occurred on a personal level? What were the previous commitments and the reasons that they happened? It is still necessary to analyse if the misfortune would not be an invitation to analyse potential necessary changes, such as: ones vision of the world, ones relationships, and ones values.
The Spirit of Joanna de Angelis in a message entitled "Success and succes" defines the Success of material life as a consequence from human achievements, and emphasizes that there is another Success, which comes from the willpower and overcoming of humans tendencies, moral imperfection and everything else that prevents the human being from growing towards the real life.
God manifests Itself in our lives in many ways. His answers to our afflictions arise in ways that benefit us, by keeping us in balance and self-preservation. Jesus of Nazareth, in order to do so, has brought to us the way, revealing the truth so sought after by human philosophies, and the Real Life, which is so clearly consigned by the Spiritist Philosophy, as pure as His message could be. Therefore, following such teachings, even in the days of great disbelief as they are today, seeking the necessary and clear explanations from the Doctrine of Light, Spiritism, will clearly bring the appropriate and coherent answers for the maintenance of inner peace and for the harmony within ones relationships.
Sonia Theodoro da Silva
(Published and translated by The Journal of Psychological Studies, London, England)
domingo, 3 de setembro de 2017
Étienne de La Boétie (15301563) was a French humanist and philosopher, contemporary and friend of Michel de Montaigne (15331592). La Boétie translated from Greek into French the works by Xenophon and Plutarch, and also wrote some original works. His most famous work is the Discourse on Voluntary Servitude, written after the defeat of the French people against the army and the king's procurators, who established taxes on salt. The book shows itself as almost a hymn to freedom, with questions about the causes of the domination of many by the few, the indignation of oppression, and the ways to overcome it. Already in the title a contradiction of the term appears; voluntary servitude, because how can someone sacrifice his own freedom with spontaneous will? And La Boétie explains this sense of accommodation as a fundamental factor of this loss of conscious freedom, as a gift given on a tray to the oppressive government.
In our daily lives, a similar phenomenon is increasing in all countries and is spreading like a contagious disease - the comfort zone, where people settle, accommodate, enjoy the blessing offered by Technological progress, immerse themselves in their mobile phones and tablets and simply disconnect from the world around them, as if the virtual world is more fascinating and attractive.
Gabriel Delanne (1857-1926), an engineer and one of the first spiritist researchers, says with emphasis, in a message from 2004, by the medium Raul Teixeira, that we live today a ferocious individualism that isolates us from other human beings, taking away the capacity of us to sensitise ourselves to the pain and suffering of others, becoming servants of technology.
The question remains: is it that the collective dramas that we live with today be a way of awakening our dormant consciousness?
The feeling of fraternity so intensely worked on by writers, philosophers, psychologists, sociologists, could also be summed up in another feeling, compassion. This can be widely felt and experienced in the way that NGOs like Doctors Without Borders, WWF and many others operate, without the guarantee of the human losses that make us suffer so much.
Sonia Theodoro da Silva
The Journal of Psychological Studies - Year X l 53rd Issue l July and August l 2017
sábado, 9 de julho de 2016
In modern times, God is "out of fashion": in the academia, God is regarded as an anthropological phenomenon, creation of men, fragile and in need of support and protection; since the European existentialist movement from Kierkegaard, its apex with Nietzsche through his Zarathustra character, "God is dead", the god of the cross did not save himself, according to the philosopher.
The Nietzschenian thought, however, is one of the effects and not the cause of the current human drama, for much of this responsibility fell to religions, which were unable to accept God in Spirit and truth, Jesus of Nazareth, as its greatest representative among us, they were unable to present him and disclose him or to experience him as such because they were lost in mysticism, in the reconstructed myths and dissensions and venality.
It is sad to see the current consequences of distortion - but Spiritism brought Jesus and God back to the hearts and reason, as it has decoded His message and fulfilled his promise in the Gospel of John.
Is God in everything? Yes, God is in Nature and in the beings He created, and today, when human afflictions reach heights, we can say with Jesus: Do not let your heart be troubled, believe in God, believe also in Me...
Jesus fulfilled his promise, returned in Spiritism, and it is with him that we will go through this phase. Therefore let us trust.
(Published in The Journal of Spiritist Psychological Studies, Mar/Apr 2016)
Sonia Theodoro da Silva
Bachelor in Philosophy
segunda-feira, 25 de janeiro de 2016
Comemoramos nesta data 462 anos da fundação da nossa cidade.
quinta-feira, 24 de dezembro de 2015
Confidence in Life

Maria Novelli - English Translation ; Cricieli Zanesco - English Translation
Self -denial

The Science of Faith

The Autonomy of the Awakened Consciousness
sexta-feira, 1 de maio de 2015
Spirit´s Book and Education
quarta-feira, 5 de novembro de 2014
Confidence in Life
The Portuguese word confidence comes from the Latin CONFIDENTIA of CONFIDERE, "to fully and firmly believe," formed by COM that intensifies, plus FIDERE, "believe, trow," which derives from FIDES, "faith". The same etymology is found in English, CONFIDENCE, which also derives from Latin; in French, CONFIANCE; in Italian, FIDUCIA of FIDERE, same translation as above; CONFIANZA in Spanish, and so on. This way we can understand that the word reminds us of the universal posture of certainty, conviction, dete-mination, strength, safety, and more, hope, faith, optimism, and still, liveliness and resilience. There is no doubt that the words have influence on our lives and serve as a stimulus to our behav-iour in the face of adversity.
However, words and the stimuli raised by words should not be taken only as pills of optimism, as if they were miracle drugs that give us the solution to our prob-lems. Words are the result of the elaboration of thought and, as such, should express the good feelings that we bring with us. When we say this, we do not claim that self-help would be effective as an immediate therapy because, as such, it only leads to analgesia, not curing the diseases of the soul.
In the documentary Philosophy: A Guide to Happiness, based on the book The Consolations of Philosophy, by the Swiss philosopher Alain de Botton, he highlights six great thinkers on important topics of our daily lives, and high-lights the confidence with Socra-tes: "Socrates walked through the market addressing people and questioning about the meaning of life in a very interesting way, but also in a very annoying way. If you ask for the explanations of people's beliefs, they often react ag-gressively. Socrates had no such inhibitions. He would rather be considered forceful than to allow his compatriots to carry on their lives without thinking. His intention was to make everyone reevaluate their beliefs, he believed that everyone had the duty to reflect on their lives, and that we all have the capacity to do it."
Socrates paid a high price for helping people to think, to assess the inconsistency of their existences, and for en-couraging the change of their poor goals (when they had them), poor because they focused only on the here and now.
Confidence comes at the moment when we know, through philosophical deduction, who we are, what we are doing here and where we will go. When we deepen these deductions with the help of the Spiritist Philosophy, this universe expands. We are not only citizens of a country, we are citizens of the Universe. Our lives are not con-fined to the present moment; we discover that we are heirs of the conquests of past reincarnations on route to a future full of achieva-ble promises; we learn that every-thing is temporary in the words of the Spirit Emmanuel (even the missed opportunities).
So we know that personal dramas have their duration and the achievements, in turn, should expand in the proportion that we conduct ourselves with absolute moral tranquillity.
We live today in a world full of conflicts that reproduce individual psychopathologies. Of course it is
difficult to trust on this construction, however, we have eternity ahead of us and the present moment to build, as best as we can, knowing we can count on the support and encouragement of the Spirits who love us.
Sonia Theodoro da Silva
Bachelor in Philosophy
sábado, 23 de agosto de 2014
quinta-feira, 1 de maio de 2014
The Autonomy of the Awakened Consciousness
The word autonomy comes from the Greek autonomous, from autos, "himself", and nomos, "law", "who governs itself by its own laws." The philosopher Immanuel Kant says that autonomy is to be "citizen and legislator" simultaneously.
Autonomy is the self-determination ability. Any agent can only be considered auton-mous when one’s actions are truly one’s and not motivated by external influences or factors. Kant then found that the will also have the ability to put itself in accordance with its own law, which is the law of reason. In this sense, the opposite of autono-my is heteronomy, in which the will is dictated by the objects of desire and no longer by reason.
Created simple and ignorant, the Spirit, the infinite traveller according to Plotinus, experiences evolutionary stages in which it goes assimilating impressions and developing all the elements that make up its nature. The consciousness will bloom over time positioning itself according to the divine laws that lie in the depths of its Being.
The journey of the Spirit, therefore, is in this development with the natural conquest of the responsibilities that belong to the Spirit. Will and free will are the drivers of this process.
Reincarnation and life in realms of physical and extra physical dimensions (physical here means the molecu-lar consistency of dense matter) will provide the necessary experience that is needed for the definitive acquisition of the Spirit’s own development.
Having yet to consider the freedom inherent to the individual, manifested according to the individual’s integration into the societies in which the being is conducted to live: the sociological freedom, related to the individual’s autonomy before society, with guarantees of civil or political liberty; the psychological freedom, in which the individual feels like "ones own master"; and the moral freedom, as the capacity that the individual has of deciding to act according to reason without being dominated by the impulses and the spontaneous inclinations of sensitivity.
Spiritism emphasizes the powers of the third freedom, mentioned above, as the driver of the gradual awakening of consciousness, which gives the Spirit the right conditions for the necessary, essential and eternal ascento to even higher evolutionary patterns.
When the Spirit stagnates in the illusions of matter, the mechanisms of this awakening start to appear, and then the pains, the sufferings of greater or lesser intensity will take care of making the Spirit resume its walk.
If our model is Jesus of Nazareth, as confirmed by the higher spirits to Allan Kardec, let us follow his examples, his teachings, his virtues, his life.
There is no other way – we live moments of moral transition; we bring within ourselves the atavisms of the ancient past with the predominance of the stored conflicts that require a revision. Therefore there is nothing to complain about as the current dramas have been planted by society in 6,000 years of civilization, with less than 100 years of peace. It is for us today to live the spiritual-Christian life, as hundreds already do, planting new seeds of compassion and brotherhood so that our near or distant future brings us the so desired kingdom of heaven in our consciousness.
Sonia Theodoro da Silva
Bachelor in Philosophy
(The Spiritist Psychological Society, May-June 2014)
quarta-feira, 1 de janeiro de 2014
The Beyond and the Survival of the Being
There is the pioneer case of Duke University in the United States, where the paranor-mal is serious business. In Brazil, there are pertaining studies of the near-death experiences by re-searchers from the Federal Univer-sity of Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais. Also in the U.S., Doctor Raymond Moody Jr. investigates the possible relationships between the "dead" and their living relatives. His work has demonstrated, from research about the oracles in ancient Greece, where communications were constant and real, that intra-worlds contacts have always been part of our civilization.
Without a shadow of doubt that Spiritism, with its mystical and mythical stripping, brought us another scenario of life after death: we continue to exist and compose (composed here are all the files of our past experiences recorded in our unconscious), we continue to draw the course of our destinations and we continue to exercise free will increasingly more freely as we become directly re-sponsible for Life. And our greatest example that life continues after death still is, and will always be, Jesus, stripped of the mythology established around him which has been consumed for centuries be-cause of the mixed Greek hero with the Jewish prophet. And He who is back in all its fullness, to demonstrate that there is no death, it is a mere human inven-tion, a product of existential emp-tiness that inhabits this moral plane of existence, back through the Spiritist vision that is not religious in the ritulistic sense, liturgical and theological, but liberating, awareness waken-ing, revealing.
Léon Denis, the consolidator of Spiritism in France after the death of Allan Kardec, brings extremely current reflections on his extensive work of which we highlight the great little book bearing the title of our article, which features a list of evidence to confirm the opinion of anyone who wants to investigate the supposed afterlife. And to finish our thoughts in his words, leaving a question up in the air: would human relations change to a better state should we identify ourselves as immortal beings?
"Isn’t it a touching sight to see those that accompany a funeral? To those I would say: the beyond is just what our senses do not reach. "
Sonia Theodoro da Silva
sábado, 21 de dezembro de 2013
quarta-feira, 20 de novembro de 2013
domingo, 7 de julho de 2013
Joy of living
quarta-feira, 23 de janeiro de 2013
Psychological, Physiological and Spiritual Dreams
The cause of dreams and their meaning have always been a source of great curiosity and concern. In The Mediums’ Book, Allan Kardec emphasizes that the Science of his time never explained the origins of such phenomena. The current explanations, still incomplete, which consider only the psychophysiological reasons – illness, psychological disorders, professional and economical life conditions, influences relating to modern life habits, such as the use of licit and illicit drugs, sexuality as a disposable product, anxieties and stress generated by this whole process, plus the political and worldwide conditions that bring us expectations about the future – actually generate symptoms, the most diverse, reflecting in the quality of sleep.
However, what Science insists on ignoring are the spiritual reasons – compelling experiences related to past lifetimes that interfere with relationships and behaviour of the actual experience, the influences of the minds and feelings of discarnate spirits on individuals, whether or not they are directly related to their past actions, besides intimate conflicts relating to one’s own genetic inheritance.
With The Book of Spirits, questions 400 to 412, we conclude: we are heirs of ourselves, in other words, our history repeats itself because we insist on playing the same charac-ters. The current time is for reflection and changes in the way of acting and thinking and, without fear, to develop values and virtues. This is the way.
Sonia Theodoro da Silva
Translation SPS
(Published in nov/dec 2012: The Journal of Psychological Studies - Science, Philosophy and Religion;Journal Psychologischer Studien - Wissenschaft, Philosophie und Religion; Periódico de Estudios Psicológicos - Ciencia, Filosofía y Religión; Giornale di Studi Psicologici - Scienza, Filosofia e Religione; Journal d´études psychologiques - Science, philosophie et religion).
Extrasensory Faculty
History records the actions of those who dared to transgress existing systems, whether it was of a political, religious or academic nature. Carl Gustav Jung was one of those divine transgressors; for him, life was not restricted to the period from the cradle to the grave, “the human, rational being, was endowed with extrasensory faculties that allowed one to exceed the ordinary limits of space and time, uncovering the distant past and having premonitions of the future”. (Bulletin SEI, No. 1963/2005).
The extrasensory faculties were present in the Greek and Babylonian oracles (the most famous of all was the oracle of Apollo, in Delphi), in the Jewish world with the college of mediums chaired by Moses, and before, in Egypt, where the leader of the He-brew nation learned, with the wise and initiated of his time, to prophesy, and other extrasensory modalities which were combined to his effective mediumship. More recently, Emmanuel Swedenborg, Swedish clairvoyant, was investigated and studied by the eminent philosopher Immanuel Kant, impressed by the accuracy of the information about a fire seen by him at a distance, in a nearby town.
Although the traditional philosophy, nowadays, has little interest in the paranormal, it is reserved for Science, to prove what Spiritism has judiciously studied, through Allan Kardec and supported by facts, the greatest discovery of all times: the human Spirit survives death. Such evidence certainly entails serious consequences to the nihilistic materialism.
Sonia Theodoro da Silva
Translation SPS
(Published in sept/oct 2012: The Journal of Psychological Studies - Science, Philosophy and Religion;Journal Psychologischer Studien - Wissenschaft, Philosophie und Religion; Periódico de Estudios Psicológicos - Ciencia, Filosofía y Religión; Giornale di Studi Psicologici - Scienza, Filosofia e Religione; Journal d´études psychologiques - Science, philosophie et religion).